Hope for Depression

Hope for Depression

Christian counseling services offer hope for people who suffer from the blahs, the blues, and depression. If you’re experiencing any of these feelings, please seek help right away. God has a joyful plan for your life and together, with God’s grace, we can...
Wellness Is a Team Approach

Wellness Is a Team Approach

As a psychologist, working in several medical and psychiatric hospitals, I found that when many of my patients struggled in one area of life they struggled in other areas, too. When my patients and clients came with concerns over their changes, challenges and losses...

Who Should You Choose for Christian Marriage Counseling?

What Is a Christian Marriage Counselor? Christian marriage counselors may be pastors or individuals with both seminary training and counseling training. Many pastors offer marriage counseling as part of their ministry. Their goal is to help each partner get closer to...

Christian Anger Management Counseling

Christian anger management counseling can help you deal with anger management issues. Do you have anger management problems or are you unsure if you have problems with anger?  Ask yourself the following questions: Do others tell you that you have a bad temper? Do you...