The Characteristics of Loving Homes: Part 2

The Characteristics of Loving Homes: Part 2

In my last article, I cited seven characteristics of successful and happy marriages. In this writing I would like to continue with TWO more observations. I have found that how a couple allows each other “Voice” and “Vote” matters. What Is Voice? One of the hallmarks...
The Characteristics of Loving Homes: Part 2

Characteristics of Loving Homes: Part 1

In over 30 years serving homes as a Christian counselor, I have noticed some qualities that are found in loving and “successful” homes. Here is Part 1 of an ongoing series on the characteristics of these marriages. The Characteristics Found in Loving Homes Several...
The Importance of Prayer to Couples

The Importance of Prayer to Couples

On April 22, 2015, my father-in-law, Don, died just a month shy of his 90th birthday. On the day of his funeral, it was estimated that almost 450 people attended his memorial service. If one counted the many others who attended his wake the night before, sent cards or...
Words Matter, Part I

Words Matter, Part I

Words matter in more ways than you can imagine. Have you ever heard these words? [su_box title=”Words of Discouragement” box_color=”#4c4183″] “That’s a silly, dumb idea.” “You can’t do that. Don’t even bother” “You’ll fail and embarrass...